Киевский Клуб Спортивного Бриджа

Бридж – это либо страшная болезнь, либо ... вирус, заброшенный к нам на Землю инопланетным разумом, с помощью которого они нас изучают ...
П. Портной, Н. Женова
Dear Oleg.

    What is happening in your country is beyond belief, and you have the strong support from the whole of Norway. The action of Russia is totally unacceptable and they will have to pay the most expensive price for their action.
     I really hope all of you bridge players are safe and that the war soon will end.
    The Norwegian Bridge Federation will not let any Russian or Belarussians participate in our tournaments. We are also looking into having a charitable tournament to support your country and we will work on convincing the WBF/EBL to not let Russia and/or Belarus participate in international bridge championships.

Stay safe!
Med vennlig hilsen
Allan Livgård